Karate taikai de shougakusei ga koutoubu wo kerare, kyuukyuuhansou sareru jitai ga hassei shita. Ketta gawa no sekondo wa shiji wo dashite ita ga, kettu kodomo wa hansoku make ni. Shusai-sha wa heddogia nashi no furukontakuto ruuru wo saiyou shite ori, karate dou renmei mo seimei wo happyou. Kankeisha ga taoreta kodomo wo tasukenakatta koto ga mondai shi sare, furukontakuto no kikensei to otona no taido ni gimon ga mukerareta. Houritsu no senmonka wa, honkakuteki na kakutougi ni okeru kega no baishou seikyu no muzukashisa wo shiteki shi, kodomo ni kono you na kyogi wo narawaseru igi wo kangaeru hitsuyou gaaru to nobeteta.
An incident occurred at a karate tournament where an elementary school student was kicked in the back of the head and had to be transported to the hospital. The second from the kicker’s side was issuing instructions, but the child who kicked ended up losing the match due to a foul. The organizers adopted full-contact rules without headgear, and the karate federation also issued a statement. The fact that those involved did not assist the fallen child has raised concerns, leading to questions about the dangers of full contact and the attitudes of adults. Legal experts pointed out the difficulties in claiming compensation for injuries in serious martial arts and emphasized the need to consider the significance of having children participate in such competitions.
空手大会(Karate Taikai): Karate tournament
小学生(Shougakusei): Elementary school student
後頭部(Koutoubu): Back of the head
蹴られ(Kerare): Kicked
救急搬送(KyuuKyuu Hansou): Emergency transport
事態(Jitai): Situation
蹴った(Ketta): Kicked
側(Gawa): Side
セコンド(Sekondo): Second (in a match)
指示(Shiji): Instructions
反則負け(Hansoku Make): Disqualification loss
主催者(ShusaiSha): Organizer
ヘッドギアなし(Heddogia nashi): Without headgear
フルコンタクトルール(Furu Kontakuto Ruuru): Full contact rules
空手道連盟(Karate Dou Rennmei): Karate Federation
声明(Seimei): Statement
関係者(Kankeisha): Related parties
倒れた(Taoreta): Fallen
助けなかった(Tasukenakatta): Did not help
問題視(Monndai shi): Concerned with the issue
フルコンタクトの危険性(Furu Kontakuto no kiken-sei): Dangers of full contact
大人の態度(Otona no taido): Adult attitude
疑問(Gi-mon): Question
法律の専門家(Houritsu no Senmonka): Legal expert
本格的(Hon Kaku-teki): Serious
格闘技(Gakutougi): Martial arts
ケガの賠償請求(Kega no Baishou Seikyu): Claim for injury compensation
難しさ(Nanashisa): Difficulty
子ども(Kodomo): Child
競技(Kyogi): Competition
習わせる(Narawaseru): To teach