Daigakusei shibou no hikitugi jiken de, juuyou shimei tehai chuu no Hatta Yoichi yougisha ni kansuru jouhou ga SNS de kakusan sareteimasu. Nagoyashi nai no bouhan kamera ni Hatta yougisha ni nita jinbutsu ga utsuri, kyuu ni koutai suru yousu ga toraeraremashita. Oita kenkei wa kono jouhou o haaku shite ori, mokugeki jouhou wa 7900 kengen ijou yoserareteimasu. Jiken wa 2022 nen ni hassei shi, Hatta yougisha wa tousou. Keisatsu wa sousa o kyouka chuu de, kenshoukin wa saidai 800 man en desu. Kenkei wa jouhou teikyou o yobikaketeimasu.
In the hit-and-run incident that resulted in the death of a university student, information regarding the suspect, Yoichi Hatta, who is wanted on a serious charge, is spreading on social media. A person resembling Hatta was captured on a security camera in Nagoya City, showing a sudden retreat. The Oita Prefectural Police are aware of this information, and more than 7,900 eyewitness reports have been received. The incident occurred in 2022, and Hatta has been on the run. The police are intensifying their investigation, and a reward of up to 8 million yen is being offered. The prefectural police are calling for information from the public.
大学生(Daigakusei): University student
死亡(Shibou): Death
ひき逃げ事件(Hiki-nige jiken): Hit-and-run incident
重要指名手配(Juuyou shimei tehai): Important wanted notice
八田與一(Hatada Yoichi): Yoichi Hatada
容疑者(Yougisha): Suspect
情報(Jouhou): Information
SNS(SNS): Social media
拡散(Kakusan): Spread
名古屋市内(Nagoya shinai): In Nagoya city
防犯カメラ(Bouhan kamera): Surveillance camera
人物(Jinbutsu): Person
映り(Utsuri): Appearing
急に(Kyuu ni): Suddenly
後退する(Koutaisuru): Reversing
様子(Yousu): State
捉えられました(Toraeraremashita): Was captured
大分県警(Oita kenkei): Oita Prefectural Police
把握しており(Haaku shite ori): Are aware of
目撃情報(Mokugeki jouhou): Witness information
7900件(7900 ken): 7900 cases
寄せられています(Yoserareteimasu): Have been reported
事件(Jiken): Incident
2022年(2022 nen): Year 2022
逃走(Tousou): Escape
警察(Keisatsu): Police
捜査を強化中(Sousa o kyouka chuu): Strengthening the investigation
懸賞金(Kenshoukin): Bounty
最大(Saida): Maximum
800万円(800 man en): 8 million yen
県警(Kenkei): Prefectural Police
情報提供(Jouhou teikyou): Information provision
呼び掛けています(Yobikake teimasu): Are calling for