NASA no uchuu bouenkyou ga toraeta futatsu no ginga ga tagai ni chikazuki, shourai shottotsu suru unmei ni arimasu. Kono gazou wa, Webbu to Haburuu no bouenkyou no kyouryoku ni yori, ginga no akai ketsukan no you na sen ya atarashii hoshi no tanjou o koukaishoudou de toraeta mono desu. Koko de wa maitoshi 20 ko no taiyou kurasu no hoshi ga umare, kako suujunen de 7 kai no choushinsei bakuhatsu mo okeiteimasu. Kono seimeiryoku afureru ginga wa, uchuu no shinpi to gekiteki na utsukushisa o utsushidashiteimasu.
Two galaxies captured by NASA’s space telescope are moving closer to each other and are destined to collide in the future. This image, produced through the collaboration of the Webb and Hubble telescopes, captures the red vein-like lines of the galaxies and the birth of new stars in high resolution. Here, twenty solar-class stars are born each year, and there have been seven supernova explosions in recent decades. This vibrant galaxy reflects the mysteries and dramatic beauty of the cosmos.
宇宙望遠鏡(uchū bōenkyō): space telescope
銀河(ginga): galaxy
近づき(chikaduki): approaching
将来(shōrai): future
衝突する(shōtotsu suru): colliding
運命(unmei): destiny
画像(gazō): image
ウェッブ(Webb): Webb
ハッブル(Habburu): Hubble
協力(kyōryoku): cooperation
赤い血管(akai kekkan): red vein
新しい星の誕生(atarashii hoshi no tanjō): new star birth
高解像度(kōkaizōdo): high resolution
毎年(maitoshi): every year
太陽クラスの星(taiyō kurasu no hoshi): sun-class stars
生まれ(umare): born
過去(kako): past
数十年(sūjūnen): several decades
超新星爆発(chōshinsei bakuhatsu): supernova explosion
生命力(seimeiryoku): vitality
あふれる(afureru): overflowing
神秘(mystery): mystery
劇的な(gekiteki na): dramatic
美しさ(utsukushisa): beauty