ソフトバンクの孫正義氏が「Future Investment Initiative」でNVIDIAを過小評価と指摘。生成AIブームで株価は急上昇中で、10月には過去最高値を更新。また、10月3日のソフトバンクワールドでは、人工超知能「ASI」が10年以内に登場するとの見解を示し、OpenAIの新モデル「o1」を「ノーベル賞級の進化」と評価した。孫氏は投資の成功例がある一方、WeWorkでの損失を「人生最大の汚点」と語っている。

Sofutobanku no Son Masayoshi-shi ga “Future Investment Initiative” de NVIDIA o kashouhyouka to shiteki. Seisei AI burūmu de kabuka wa kyuu joushouchuu de, 10-gatsu ni wa kako saikouka o koushin. Mata, 10-gatsu 3-nichi no Sofutobanku Wārudo de wa, jinkou chō chinou “ASI” ga 10-nen inai ni tōjō suru to no kenkai o shimeshi, OpenAI no shin moderu “o1” o “Nōberu shōkyū no shinka” to hyōka shita. Son-shi wa toshi no seikourei ga aru ippō, WeWork de no sonshitsu o “jinsei saidai no oten” to katatte iru.

Masayoshi Son of SoftBank pointed out at the “Future Investment Initiative” that NVIDIA is undervalued. During the generative AI boom, its stock price has surged and reached an all-time high in October. Additionally, at SoftBank World on October 3, he expressed the view that artificial superintelligence (ASI) would emerge within the next decade and described OpenAI’s new model “o1” as “Nobel Prize-level evolution.” While Son has examples of successful investments, he has referred to his loss with WeWork as “the biggest blemish of his life.”

ソフトバンク(SoftBank): SoftBank

孫正義氏(Masayoshi Son): Mr. Masayoshi Son

Future Investment Initiative(Future Investment Initiative): Future Investment Initiative


生成AIブーム(Seisei AI Būmu): Generative AI Boom

株価(Kabuka): Stock Price

急上昇中(Kyūjōshōchū): Currently Rising Sharply

過去最高値(Kako Saikōchi): All-Time High

ソフトバンクワールド(SoftBank World): SoftBank World

人工超知能(Jinkō Chōchinō): Artificial Super Intelligence


10年以内(10 Nen Inai): Within 10 Years

OpenAI(OpenAI): OpenAI

新モデル(Shin Moderu): New Model

o1(o1): o1

ノーベル賞級(Nōberu Shō-kyū): Nobel Prize Level

進化(Shinka): Evolution

投資(Tōshi): Investment

成功例(Seikōrei): Successful Case

WeWork(WeWork): WeWork

損失(Sonshitsu): Loss

人生最大の汚点(Jinsei Saidai no Oten): Biggest Stain in Life


By Kobo


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