
Puroresurā de Bunkyōku gikai giin no Nishimura Osamu ga, shokudōgan (sutēji 4) no chiryō-chū ni nō e no ten’i ga hanmei shi, 28 ni kaidō shujutsu o ukemashita. Shujutsu wa 7 jikan kakari, buji ni shūryō shi, ippan byōtō ni idō shimashita. Jutsugo no Nishimura wa “atama ga sukkiri shita” to述べ, rihabiri o kaishi. Taiin wa konshūmatsu no yotei desu. Kotoshi 4 tsuki ni shokudōgan ga hakkaku, kōganzai chiryō o tsuzukete kimashita ga, 7 tsuki ni nō ten’i ga kakunin saremashita. Ōnita Atsushi wa, Nishimura no fukki o komimachi ni shite ōen shiteimasu.

Pro wrestler and Bunkyo Ward assembly member Osamu Nishimura underwent brain surgery on the 28th after it was revealed that he had brain metastasis during his treatment for esophageal cancer (stage 4). The surgery lasted for 7 hours and was completed successfully, after which he was moved to a general ward. After the surgery, Nishimura stated, “My head feels clear,” and he has begun rehabilitation. He is scheduled to be discharged this weekend. Esophageal cancer was diagnosed in April this year, and he had been undergoing chemotherapy, but brain metastasis was confirmed in July. Atsushi Onita is eagerly anticipating Nishimura’s return and is supporting him.

プロレスラー(Puropuresuraa): Professional wrestler

文京区議会議員(Bunkyō-ku gikai giin): Bunkyo Ward Councilor

西村修(Nishimura Osamu): Osamu Nishimura

食道がん(Shokudou gan): Esophageal cancer

ステージ4(Suteeji 4): Stage 4

治療中(Chiryō-chū): Under treatment

脳への転移(Nō e no ten’i): Brain metastasis

開頭手術(Kaitō shujutsu): Craniotomy

7時間(Shichijikan): 7 hours

無事に終了(Buji ni shūryō): Successfully completed

一般病棟(Ippan byōtō): General ward

術後(Jutsugo): Post-surgery

頭がすっきりした(Atama ga sukkiri shita): Head feels clear

リハビリ(Rihabiri): Rehabilitation

退院(Taiin): Discharge from the hospital

今週末(Konshūmatsu): This weekend

抗がん剤治療(Kōganzai chiryō): Chemotherapy

大仁田厚(Ōnitajirō): Akira Ōnita

復帰(Fukki): Return

心待ちにして(Kokoromachi ni shite): Looking forward to

応援しています(Ōen shiteimasu): Supporting


By Kobo


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