Moto haiyuu no Iwasa Mayuko to kaigo talent no Nishida Miho ga, kaigo ni tenshin shita keii o kataru tōku ibento ni tōjō. Iwasa wa 2020-nen ni intai shi, shū 5 de kaigo shoku ni jūji. Geinōkai de no keiken o ikashi, kaigo ni taisuru omoi o nobemasu. Kanojo wa egao o daiji ni shi, shien o tsūjite jūjitsukan o ete iru. Kongo mo kaigo ni kakawari, sōhō ga kaiteki ni sugoseru kankyōzukuri o mezasu to katatta.
Former actress Mayuko Iwasa and care talent Miho Nishida appeared at a talk event where they discussed their transition into the field of caregiving. Iwasa retired in 2020 and has been working in caregiving five days a week. Drawing on her experiences in the entertainment industry, she expressed her thoughts on caregiving. She emphasized the importance of smiling and mentioned that she finds fulfillment through support. Iwasa stated that she aims to continue her involvement in caregiving and work towards creating an environment where both caregivers and those they care for can live comfortably.
元俳優(Motohaiyuu): Former Actor
岩佐真悠子(Iwasa Mayuko): Mayuko Iwasa
介護タレント(Kaigo Tarento): Care Talent
西田美歩(Nishida Miho): Miho Nishida
介護(Kaigo): Caregiving
転身(Ten-shin): Career Change
経緯(Keii): Circumstances
語る(Kataru): Speak
トークイベント(Tooku Ibento): Talk Event
登場(Toujou): Appearance
引退(Intai): Retirement
介護職(Kaigo Shoku): Caregiving Profession
従事(Juji): Engage
芸能界(Geinoukai): Entertainment Industry
経験(Keiken): Experience
生かし(Ikashi): Utilize
思い(Omoi): Feelings
述べる(Noberu): Express
笑顔(Egao): Smile
大事(Daiji): Important
支援(Shien): Support
充実感(Juujitsukan): Sense of Fulfillment
今後(Kongo): Future
関わり(Kakawari): Involvement
快適(Kaiteki): Comfortable
環境づくり(Kankyou-zukuri): Creating an Environment
目指す(Mezasu): Aiming for