
Nihon Gensuibaku Higai-sha Dantai Kyōgikai (Nihon Hidankyō) wa, Nōberu Heiwa-shō jushō-shiki de Tanaka Hiimi daihyō ga supīchi o okonai, hibakusha engohō no fubi o shichakushita. Tanaka-san wa, seifu ga nanjyūman mono hibakusha ni taisuru hoshō o kyohi shi, hōshasen higai ni gendel shita taisaku shika okonatte inai to uttaeta. Sarani, seifu ni taishite genbaku de nakunatta shisha e no shūnai ga mattaku nasarete inai koto o kyōchō shi, kokka hoshō o mitomanai seifu no shisei o hihan shita.

The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) had its representative, Hisashi Tanaka, give a speech at the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony, pointing out the shortcomings of the law for supporting atomic bomb victims. Tanaka emphasized that the government has refused compensation for hundreds of thousands of survivors and has implemented measures that are limited only to radiation damage. Furthermore, he highlighted that there has been no compensation at all for those who died from the atomic bomb and criticized the government’s stance of not recognizing national compensation.

日本原水爆被害者団体協議会(Nihon Gensuibaku Higaisha Dantai Kyōgikai): Japan Council of Atomic Bomb Survivors

日本被団協(Nihon Hidankyou): Japan Confederation of A-Bomb Sufferers Organizations

ノーベル平和賞(Nōberu Heiwa Shō): Nobel Peace Prize

田中熙巳代表(Tanaka Hisami Daihyō): Representative Hisami Tanaka

スピーチ(Supīchi): Speech

被爆者援護法(Hibakusha Engo Hō): Atomic Bomb Survivor Support Law

不備(Hubi): Inadequacy

政府(Seifu): Government

補償(Hoshō): Compensation

放射線被害(Hōshasen Higai): Radiation Damage

対策(Taisaku): Measures

訴えた(Uttaeta): Argued

原爆(Genbaku): Atomic Bomb

亡くなった(Nakunatta): Deceased

死者(Shisha): Victims

償い(Tsugunai): Compensation

国家補償(Kokka Hoshō): National Compensation

姿勢(Shisei): Stance

批判した(Hihan shita): Criticized


By Kobo


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