Ishiba Shigeru shushou ga 11-nichi no tokubetsu kokkai de, shushou shimei senkyo-chuu ni me o toji, utsumuite iru sugata ga chuukei sareta. Rinseki no Hayashi kanbou choukan ga shinpai suru yousu mo mirareru, nettojou de wa “shushou senkyo-chuu ni neru” to no koe ga agatta. Joyuu no Mariya Tomoko wa “nenai ruuru o tsukuru beki” to iken o nobete, ippou de suiminji mukokyu shoukougun ga torendo iri shi, byouki o shinpai suru koe mo hirogatta.
Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba was seen on live broadcast with his eyes closed and head down during the prime ministerial election at the special Diet session on the 11th. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroshi Hayashi, sitting next to him, appeared to be worried, which led to comments on social media such as “Sleeping during the prime ministerial election.” Actress Tomoko Mariya stated, “There should be a rule against sleeping,” while concerns about sleep apnea began trending, raising worries about health issues.
石破茂首相(Ishiba Shigeru Shusho): Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba
特別国会(Tokubetsu Kokkai): Special National Assembly
首相指名選挙(Shusho Shimeisenkyo): Prime Minister Nomination Election
目を閉じ(Me wo toji): Close one’s eyes
うつむいている姿(Utsumuite iru sugata): The posture of looking down
中継された(Chuukei sareta): Was broadcasted
隣席の林官房長官(Rinseki no Hayashi Kanbo Chokan): Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi sitting next to
心配する様子(Shinpai suru yousu): Appearance of concern
ネット上では(Nettoujou de wa): On the internet
首相選挙中に寝る(Shusho senkyo chuu ni neru): Sleep during the Prime Minister election
女優の毬谷友子(Joyuu no Marutani Tomoko): Actress Tomoko Marutani
寝ないルールを作るべき(Nenai ruuru wo tsukuru beki): Should create a rule to not sleep
睡眠時無呼吸症候群(Suiminji Mukokyuushoukougun): Sleep Apnea Syndrome
トレンド入り(Torendo iri): Trend entry
病気を心配する声(Byouki wo shinpai suru koe): Voices worrying about illness