
Yakuruto no Migeru Yafūre toshi ga keiyaku shūryō o hōkoku shi, NPB ta kyūdann de no purē o kangaeru koto o akiraka ni shimashita. Konki wa 129-kai 1/3 nage, 23 tōban de 5 shō 10 hai, bōgyoritsu 3.34 o kirokushimashita. “Peko-chan” no aishō de nishitamare, SNS de wa chīmu to fan ni kansha no i o hyōmei shimashita. Taidan ni taishi fan wa odoroki to sabishisa o kanjite ori, kare no kongo no dōkō ga chūmoku sareteimasu.

Yakult pitcher Miguel Yafule reported the end of his contract and made it clear that he is considering playing for other teams in NPB. This season, he pitched a total of 129.1 innings over 23 appearances, recording 5 wins and 10 losses with an ERA of 3.34. Known affectionately as “Peko-chan,” he expressed his gratitude to the team and fans on social media. Fans are feeling surprised and sad about his departure, and there is keen interest in his future movements.

ヤクルト(Yakult): Yakult

ミゲル・ヤフーレ(Miguel Yahure): Miguel Yahure

投手(Tōshu): Pitcher

契約終了(Keiyaku shūryō): Contract termination

報告(Hōkoku): Report

NPB(Nippon Professional Baseball): NPB

他球団(Takarendan): Other teams

プレー(Purē): Play

考える(kangaeru): Consider

今季(Konki): This season

129回1/3(Taisaku 129 kai 1/3): 129 and a third innings

23登板(23 tōban): 23 appearances

5勝10敗(5 shō 10 hai): 5 wins and 10 losses

防御率(Bōgoyuritsu): Earned run average

3.34(San ten san yonnan): 3.34

「ペコちゃん」(“Peko-chan”): “Peko-chan”

愛称(Aishō): Nickname

親しまれ(Shitarama): Beloved


チーム(Chīmu): Team

ファン(Fan): Fan

感謝の意(Kansha no i): Expression of gratitude

表明(Hyōmei): Expressed

退団(Taidan): Departure

ファン(Fan): Fan

驚き(Odoroki): Surprise

寂しさ(Sabishisa): Sadness

(Kare): He

今後の動向(Kongo no dōkō): Future movements

注目されて(Chūmoku sarete): Being watched


By Kobo


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