
VTuber “774inc.” shozoku no Hanakazawa Kanon-san ga 11 gatsu 3 ni shussan o hōkoku. 2018 nen ni kojin VTuber to shite deban, 2019 nen ni “VApArt” ni nyūgaku go, 774inc. no tarento to shite katsudō shite kita. YouTube de no dokkiri dōga de akachan o menbā ni shōkai shi, 2022 nenmatsu ni kekkon shite ita koto mo akashita. Fan ya nakama kara ōku no shukufuku no koe ga yoserare, kigyō shozoku no josei tarento to shite no kekkon, shussan no kōhyō wa ireigai to shite kōhyō o hakushite iru.

VTuber “774inc.” member Kanade Kanon announced her childbirth on November 3rd. She debuted as an independent VTuber in 2018 and joined “VApArt” in 2019, continuing her activities as a talent under 774inc. She introduced her baby to the members in a prank video on YouTube, and also revealed that she got married at the end of 2022. She received numerous congratulations from fans and fellow members, and her announcement of marriage and childbirth as a female talent affiliated with a company has been well-received as an exceptional case.

VTuber(VTuber): VTuber

774inc.(774inc.): 774inc.

花奏かのん(Kanade Kanon): Kanon Hanakazoe

出産(shussan): birth

報告(hōkoku): report

2018年(2018-nen): year 2018

個人(kojin): individual

デビュー(debyū): debut

2019年(2019-nen): year 2019

VApArt(VApArt): VApArt

加入(kanyū): joined

タレント(taren’to): talent

活動(katsudō): activity

YouTube(YouTube): YouTube

ドッキリ動画(dokkiri dōga): prank video

赤ちゃん(akachan): baby

メンバー(menbā): member

紹介(shōkai): introduce

2022年末(2022-nenmatsu): end of 2022

結婚(kenkon): marriage

明かした(akashita): revealed

ファン(fan): fan

仲間(nakama): friends/companions

祝福(shukufuku): blessings

(koe): voices

寄せられた(yoserareta): received

企業(kigyō): corporation

所属(shozoku): affiliation

女性(Josei): female

公表(kōhyō): announcement

異例(irei): unusual

好評(kōhyō): popular/received well

博している(hashite iru): has been well-received


By Kobo


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