Tsukawanakunatta terebi o haiki suru sai, B-CAS kādo no shori ni tsuite mayou hito ga ooi. B-CAS kādo wa taiyohin de, haiki-ji ni jibun de setsudan shite mondai nai. Haki suru sai wa, IC chippu bubun o kanarazu hasami de setsudan suru koto. Mata, yūryō hōsō to keiyaku-chū no baai wa, hōsō-kyoku ni renraku shi keiyaku nai-yō no henko ga hitsuyō. Terebi haiki wa kaden risakuru-hō no taishō de, kōnyū-ten ni hikitori o irai suru koto ga gimu zukerarete iru.
Many people are unsure about how to handle the B-CAS card when disposing of a television that is no longer in use. The B-CAS card is a leased item, and it is acceptable to cut it yourself before disposal. When disposing of it, be sure to cut the IC chip portion with scissors. Additionally, if you have a contract with a paid broadcasting service, you must contact the broadcasting station to change the terms of your contract. Disposing of a television falls under the Home Appliance Recycling Law, and it is mandatory to request pickup from the store where it was purchased.
使わなくなったテレビ(Tsukawanakunatta terebi): Old television
廃棄(Haiki): Disposal
B-CASカード(B-CAS kaado): B-CAS card
処理(Shori): Processing
迷う(Mayou): To hesitate
人(Hito): People
多い(Ooi): Many
貸与品(Taiyohin): Loaned item
切断(Setsudan): Cutting
問題ない(Mondai nai): No problem
破棄(Haki): Discarding
ICチップ(IC chippu): IC chip
必ず(Kanarazu): Without fail
ハサミ(Hasami): Scissors
契約中(Keiyaku-chuu): During the contract
放送局(Housoukyoku): Broadcasting station
連絡(Renraku): Contact
契約内容(Keiyaku naiyou): Contract details
変更(Henkou): Change
家電リサイクル法(Kaden risaiikuru hou): Home appliance recycling law
対象(Taishou): Target
購入店(Kounyuu ten): Store of purchase
引き取り(Hiki tori): Collection
依頼(Iraku): Request
義務付けられている(Gimumuzukerareteiru): Is mandated