Moto futōkō Yūchūbā no Yutabon ga 3 nichi, jishin no YouTube channeru de otōtosan ga tanjō shita koto o happyō shimashita. Dōga de wa akachān o daki, “otōto ga umaremashita” to yorokobi o hyōgen. 6 nin kyōdai to nari, otōto ga hoshikatta to ureshisō ni katarimashita. Otōto ni omutsu kae ya miruku o ageru yōsu mo公開し, mirai ni tsuite “tanoshiku gakkō ikereba sore ga ichiban” to messēji o okurimashita. Yutabon wa “ima made de saikō reberu no gohōkoku” to shita no ga inshō-teki desu.
Former truant YouTuber Yutabon announced the birth of his brother on his YouTube channel on the 3rd. In the video, he expressed his joy while holding the baby, saying, “My brother has been born.” He happily shared that he now has six siblings and had wanted a younger brother. He also showed himself changing the baby’s diaper and giving him milk, and sent a message about the future, stating, “If I can go to school happily, that’s the most important thing.” Notably, Yutabon described this announcement as “the best report ever.”
元不登校ユーチューバー(Motobutōkō Yūchūbā): Former truancy YouTuber
ゆたぼん(Yutabon): Yutabon
3日(3-nichi): 3rd day
自身のYouTubeチャンネル(jishin no Yūchūbu channeru): his YouTube channel
弟(弟): younger brother
誕生(tanjō): birth
動画(dōga): video
赤ちゃん(akachan): baby
抱く(daku): hold
喜び(yorokobi): joy
6人兄弟(rokunin kyōdai): six siblings
弟が欲しかった(otōto ga hoshikatta): wanted a younger brother
嬉しそうに(ureshīsō ni): happily
語る(kataru): to talk
おむつ替え(omutsu kae): diaper changing
ミルク(miruku): milk
未来(minarai): future
楽しく学校行ければ(tanoshiku gakkō ikereba): if I can go to school happily
一番(ichiban): the best
メッセージ(messēji): message
最高レベルのご報告(saikō reberu no gohōkoku): highest level of report
印象的(inshō-teki): impressive