SMBC Nippon Shirizu Dai 6-sen de, DeNA ga Sofutobanku o 11-2 de yaburi, 4 shou 2 hai de Nippon ichi ni kagayaita. MVP wa Kuwahara Masashi gaiyashu de, shirīzu chuu wa datsu-ritsu .444, 1 hon ruidai, 9 daten o kiroku. Toku ni Dai 6-sen de wa 3 an-date 3 daten no katsuyaku o miseta. 7 nen mae no ribenji o hatashi, yuushou go no intabyuu chuu ni totsuzen housou ga shūryō shi, shichousha kara no fuman ga SNS de funshutsu shita.
In Game 6 of the SMBC Japan Series, DeNA defeated SoftBank 11-2, securing the championship with a 4-2 series victory. The MVP was outfielder Masashi Kuwahara, who recorded a batting average of .444, 1 home run, and 9 RBIs throughout the series. Notably, in Game 6, he contributed with 3 hits and 3 RBIs. After avenging their defeat from seven years ago, the broadcast suddenly ended during the post-championship interview, leading to dissatisfaction from viewers expressed on social media.
日本シリーズ(Nihon Shiriizu): Japan Series
第6戦(Dai 6 Sen): Game 6
ソフトバンク(Sofutobank): SoftBank
破り(yaburi): defeated
4勝2敗(4 shou 2 hai): 4 wins 2 losses
日本一(Nihon Ichi): Champion of Japan
桑原将志(Kuwahara Masashi): Masashi Kuwahara
外野手(gaiyashu): outfielder
シリーズ中(shiriizu-chuu): during the series
打率(daritsu): batting average
本塁打(honruidai): home run
打点(daten): RBIs
記録(kiroku): recorded
特に(toku ni): particularly
3安打(3 anda): 3 hits
3打点(3 daten): 3 RBIs
活躍(katsuyaku): performance
7年前(7 nen mae): 7 years ago
リベンジ(ribenji): revenge
果たし(hatashi): achieved
優勝後(yushou go): after the championship
インタビュー(intabyuu): interview
突然(tozenn): suddenly
放送(housou): broadcast
終了(shūryō): ended
視聴者(shichousha): viewers
不満(fuman): dissatisfaction
噴出(funshutsu): erupted