11 gatsu 1 nichi kara jitensha ni kansuru houritsu ga kaisei sare, 16 sai ijou no ihansha ni wa saidai 1 man 2000 en no hansokukin ga kasaremasu. Arata ni shuki obi unten ga bassoku taishou to nari, chōeki mata wa saikou 50 man en no bakiin ga tekiyou saremasu. Mata, sumaho sousa ya iyahon shiyou, shingou mushi nado mo ihan koui to shite baseraremasu. Umeda de no kenshou de wa, ooku no hito ga iyahon shiyou no ihan o shite ori, 5000 en no bassokukin ga kasareru koto ga wakarimashita.
Starting from November 1, laws regarding bicycles will be amended, and those who break the law and are aged 16 or older will face fines of up to 12,000 yen. Driving under the influence of alcohol will also become punishable, with possible imprisonment or fines of up to 500,000 yen. Additionally, actions such as using a smartphone, wearing headphones, and running red lights will be considered violations and penalized. An investigation in Umeda revealed that many people were violating the headphone-use regulation, and fines of 5,000 yen would be imposed.
11月1日(Juuyonichi): November 1
自転車(Jitensha): Bicycle
法律(Houritsu): Law
改正(Kaisei): Revision
16歳以上(Juurokusai ijou): 16 years old and over
違反者(Ihansha): Offenders
最大(Saidai): Maximum
1万2000円(Ichiman nisen en): 12,000 yen
反則金(Hansokukin): Penalty fine
科されます(Kasaremasu): Will be imposed
新たに(Aratani): Newly
酒気帯び運転(Shuki obi unten): Drunk driving
罰則対象(Bassoku taishou): Punishable offense
懲役(Choueki): Imprisonment
最高(Saikou): Up to
50万円(Gojyuu man en): 500,000 yen
罰金(Bakkin): Fine
スマホ操作(Sumaho sousa): Smartphone operation
イヤホン使用(Iyahon shiyou): Earphone usage
信号無視(Shingou mushi): Ignoring traffic signals
違反行為(Ihan koui): Violations
罰せられます(Basse raremasu): Will be penalized
梅田(Umeda): Umeda
検証(Kenshou): Examination
多く(Ooku): Many
人(Hito): People
分かりました(Wakari mashita): Was found out