Jimintō to Kokumin Minshintō wa seisaku kyōgi o kaishi suru koto de gōi shi, tokuni Kokumin Minshintō no “nenshū no kabe” minaoshi ga jōken to natteimasu. Jimintō no Moriyama kanjichō wa, yatō to kyōryoku ga fukaketsu de aru tame, kyōgi o susumeru ikō o shimeshiteimasu. Mata, Jimintō wa urakane mondai no eikyō de hikōnin no mushozoku giin 4-nin ni jitō e no sanka o dashi shimashita ga, seishiki na kōnin wa misokuru hōshin desu. Kore ni yori, Jimintōnai de no hanpatsu no kanōsei mo keenen sareteimasu.
The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Democratic Party for the People (DPFP) have agreed to begin policy discussions, particularly regarding the DPFP’s review of the “income ceiling” as a condition. LDP Secretary-General Moriama has indicated a willingness to advance discussions, emphasizing that cooperation with the opposition is essential. Additionally, due to the issues surrounding slush funds, the LDP has approached four independent, non-official members about joining their party, but has decided to postpone formal endorsement. This move raises concerns about potential backlash within the LDP.
自民党(Jimintō): Liberal Democratic Party
国民民主党(Kokumin Minshutō): Democratic Party for the People
政策協議(Seisaku kyōgi): Policy discussions
開始(Kaishi): Start
合意(Gōi): Agreement
年収の壁(Nenshū no kabe): Income threshold
見直し(Minnaoshi): Review
森山幹事長(Moriyama Kanji-chō): Secretary-General Moriyama
野党(Yatō): Opposition party
協力(Kyōryoku): Cooperation
不可欠(Fukaketsu): Indispensable
意向(Ikō): Intention
裏金問題(Uragane mondai): Side money issue
非公認(Hi kōnin): Unofficial
無所属議員(Mushozoku giin): Independent members of parliament
参加(San ka): Participation
正式(Seishiki): Official
公認(Kōnin): Certification
見送る(Miokuru): Defer
方針(Hōshin): Policy
反発(Hanpatsu): Rebellion
可能性(Kano-sei): Possibility
懸念(Kenan): Concern