
Roshia no saiban-sho wa 10gatsu 28nichi, bei Google ni taishite 2 andeshirion ruburu (yaku 3 kan-en) no baishō o meijita. Kore wa, YouTube de Roshia no kokuei media akaundo ga burokku sareta koto ga gen’in. Saiban-sho wa 9 kagetsu inai ni akaundo fukugen o meiji, rikō shinai baai wa hi goto ni bakkin ga kasareru. Soshō wa 2020 nen kara hajimatte ori, ikō no saiban-sho no hanketsu de baishōkin ga zōka shite iru.

On October 28, a Russian court ordered Google to pay 2 billion rubles (approximately 3 billion yen) in damages. This was due to the blocking of Russian state media accounts on YouTube. The court has ordered the restoration of the accounts within nine months, and failing to comply will result in daily fines. The lawsuit has been ongoing since 2020, and subsequent court rulings have increased the amount of compensation.

ロシア(Roshia): Russia

裁判所(Saibansho): Court

10月28日(Juugatsu nijyuuhachinichi): October 28

米Google(Bei Google): US Google

2アンデシリオンルーブル(2 andeshirion ruuburu): 2 andeshirion rubles

約3澗円(yaku san kan en): approximately 3 quadrillion yen

賠償(Baisho): Compensation

YouTube(YouTube): YouTube

ロシアの国営メディアアカウント(Roshia no kokueimeidia akaunto): Russian state media account

ブロックされた(burokkusareta): blocked

原因(Gen’in): Cause

9カ月(Kyuu kagetsu): 9 months

アカウント復元(Akaunto fukugen): Account restoration

履行しない場合(Rikou shinai baai): In case of non-compliance

罰金(Bakkin): Fine

訴訟(Soshou): Lawsuit

2020年(ni-sen ni-nen): Year 2020

判決(Hanketsu): Verdict

増加(Zouka): Increase


By Kobo


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