Rikken Minshutō no Yoneyama Ryūichi Shuin giin wa 30 nichi, X ni tōkō shi, Kokumin Minshutō to Reiwa Shinsemba no seisaku o “baramaki” to shite higengenjitsu-teki da to hihan shita. Shuin-sen de ryōtō ga giseki o nobashita koto ni taishi, Yoneyama-shi wa sono kekka no ichin ga an’i na shuchō no hirogari ni aru to shinen o hyōmei. Kare wa, mattō na zaisei-kin’yū seisaku o teishō shi, SNS o katsuyō shita kōhō senjutsu o manabu beki da to nobemita. In’yō kiji de wa, Kokumin Minshutō no shōhizei hikiduke nado no seisaku o shōkai shite iru.
Ryuichi Yoneyama, a member of the House of Representatives from the Constitutional Democratic Party, posted on X on the 30th, criticizing the policies of the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Reiwa Shinsengumi as “handouts” and unrealistic. Regarding the two parties’ gains in the House of Representatives election, Yoneyama expressed concern that the ease of such claims contributed to their success. He suggested that proper fiscal and monetary policies should be advocated and that they should learn public relations strategies using social media. The quoted article introduces policies such as the lowering of the consumption tax proposed by the Constitutional Democratic Party.
立憲民主党(Rikken Minshu-tō): Constitutional Democratic Party
米山隆一(Yonema Ryuichi): Ryuichi Yonema
衆院議員(Shuuin giin): House of Representatives member
X(X): X
国民民主党(Kokumin Minshu-tō): National Democratic Party
れいわ新選組(Reiwa Shinsengumi): Reiwa New Party
政策(Seisaku): Policy
ばらまき(Baramaki): Handouts
非現実的(Hi genjitsuteki): Unrealistic
衆院選(Shuuin-sen): House of Representatives election
議席(Gisekii): Seats
安易な(An’i na): Easy
主張(Shuchou): Assertion
広がり(Hirogari): Spread
懸念(Ken’en): Concern
真っ当な(Mattou na): Proper
財政(Zaisei): Fiscal
金融政策(Kin’yuu seisaku): Monetary policy
提唱(Teishou): Advocacy
SNS(SNS): Social media
活用(Katsuyou): Utilization
広報戦術(Kouhou senjutsu): Public relations strategy
消費税引き下げ(Shouhizei hiki-sage): Consumption tax cut
引用記事(Inyō kiji): Quoted article
紹介(Shoukai): Introduction