
Nankai Torafu kyodai jishin wa Tōkai chihō no ōkina kyōi de ari, hassei jiki ni tsuite wa fumei da ga, ima no kodomo sedai ya sono tsugi no sedai ni wa hassei suru to sareteimasu. 2024-nen 8-gatsu 8-nichi no M7.1 jishin o uke, Naikaku-fu wa hajimete “Nankai Torafu jishin rinji jōhō” o happyō shi, jishin e no sonaeru o unagimashita. Kongo 30-nen inai ni M8~9 kurasu no jishin ga 70~80% no kakuritsu de hassei suru kanōsei ga ari, kore made no hassei kakuritsu ga 0.1% kara 0.4% ni jōshō shita koto ga shimesareteimasu. Nankai Torafu wa rekishiteki ni 100~150-nen goto ni daijishin ga okite ori, bubun-teki mata wa zentaiteki ni hassei suru koto ga jirei kara kakunin sareteimasu.

The Nankai Trough megathrust earthquake poses a significant threat to the Tokai region, and although the timing of its occurrence is uncertain, it is believed to happen within the current generation of children and the next. Following the M7.1 earthquake on August 8, 2024, the Cabinet Office issued the “Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information” for the first time, urging preparations for earthquakes. There is a possibility of an M8 to M9 class earthquake occurring with a probability of 70 to 80% within the next 30 years, indicating that the probability of occurrence has risen from 0.1% to 0.4%. Historically, major earthquakes in the Nankai Trough have occurred approximately every 100 to 150 years, and it has been confirmed from precedent that such earthquakes can occur partially or entirely.

南海トラフ巨大地震(Nankai Trough Kyodai Jishin): Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake

東海地方(Tokai Chihou): Tokai Region

発生時期(Hassei Jiki): Occurrence time

子供世代(Kodomo Sedai): Children’s generation

2024年8月8日(2024 nen 8 gatsu 8 nichi): August 8, 2024

M7.1地震(M7.1 Jishin): M7.1 Earthquake

内閣府(Naikakufu): Cabinet Office

南海トラフ地震臨時情報(Nankai Trough Jishin Rinji Jouhou): Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information

地震への備え(Jishin e no Sonae): Earthquake preparedness

今後30年以内(Kongo 30 nen inai): Within the next 30 years

M8~9クラスの地震(M8~9 Kurasu no Jishin): M8 to M9 class earthquakes

発生確率(Hassei Kakuritsu): Occurrence probability

上昇した(Joushou shita): Increased

歴史的に(Rekishiteki ni): Historically

大地震(Dai Jishin): Major Earthquakes

部分的または全体的に(Bubun-teki mata wa Zentaiteki ni): Partially or entirely

前例から確認されています(Zenrei kara Kakunin sareteimasu): Confirmed from precedents


By Kobo


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