
Teinen o mukaeta hito wa saikoyō ka nennkin seikatsu o erabemasu. Kōsei nennkin wa kanyū kikān ya kyūyo-gaku de jukyū-gaku ga kimarimasu. Kiji de wa nenshū 600 man-en, kinzoku 40-nen no baai no nennkin jukyū-gaku o shisan shi, nennkin no shikumi o furikaerimasu. Nihon no nennkin seido wa sedai kan no sasaeai, kokumin min nennkin, 2-kai-date kōzō ga ari, heikin jukyū-gaku wa danshi yaku 16 man-en, joshi yaku 10 man-en desu. Shōrai, danjo tomobataraki ga susumu naka de, josei no nennkin mo zōka suru mikomi desu.

People who reach retirement age can choose between reemployment or living on a pension. The amount received from the Employees’ Pension Insurance is determined by the period of enrollment and the salary amount. The article estimates the pension amount for someone with an annual income of 6 million yen and 40 years of service, and reviews the pension system. Japan’s pension system features intergenerational support, universal pension coverage, and a two-tier structure, with the average pension amount being approximately 160,000 yen for men and 100,000 yen for women. In the future, as dual-income households become more common, women’s pensions are expected to increase as well.

定年(Teinen): Retirement

再雇用(Saikoyō): Reemployment

年金生活(Nenkin seikatsu): Pension living

厚生年金(Kōsei nenkin): Welfare pension

加入期間(Kanyū kikan): Enrollment period

給与額(Kyūyo gaku): Salary amount

受給額(Jukyū gaku): Payment amount

年収(Nyenshū): Annual income

勤続(Kinzoku): Years of service

年金受給額(Nenkin jukyū gaku): Pension payment amount

試算(Shisan): Estimation

年金の仕組み(Nenkin no shikumi): Pension system

日本の年金制度(Nihon no nenkin seido): Japan’s pension system

世代間の支え合い(Sedai kan no sasae ai): Intergenerational support

国民皆年金(Kokumin kai nenkin): Universal pension

2階建て構造(Nikai date kōzō): Two-tier structure

平均受給額(Heikin jukyū gaku): Average payment amount

男子(Danshi): Men

(Yaku): About

女性(Josei): Women

将来(Shōrai): Future

男女共働き(Danjyo tomoraka): Dual-income couples

増加する見込み(Zōka suru mikomi): Expected increase


By Kobo


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