
Shōhyō wa kigyō ga shōhin ya sābisu o shikibetsu/kubetsu suru tame no māku ya nēmingu de, tokkyo-chō ni tōroku suru koto de hogo sareru. Shikashi, tōroku saretemo itsumo yūkō to wa kagiranai, gokai ya kajō na kenri shuchō ga sonzai suru. “Ese Shōhyōken Jikenbo” de wa, shōhyō ni kanren suru tokui na jiken o shōkai. Tokuni, Piko Tarō o meguru “Penpai Nappo Appō Pen Jiken” ya, Appuru ni yoru shōhyō dokusen ni tsuite mo fure, kudamono no namae no dokusen ga shōhyō ijime to sareru kanōsei ga aru.

Trademarks are marks or names that companies use to identify and distinguish their products or services, and they are protected by registering with the Patent Office. However, registration does not always guarantee validity, and there can be misunderstandings or excessive claims of rights. The “Pseudo Trademark Incident File” introduces unusual cases related to trademarks. In particular, it discusses the “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen incident” involving Piko Taro, as well as Apple’s trademark monopoly, and raises the possibility that monopolizing names of fruits could be considered trademark bullying.

商標(Shōhō): Trademark

企業(Kigyō): Company

商品(Shōhin): Product

サービス(Sābisu): Service

識別(Shikibetsu): Identification

区別(Kubetsu): Differentiation

マーク(Māku): Mark

ネーミング(Nēmingu): Naming

特許庁(Tokkyo-chō): Patent Office

登録(Tōroku): Registration

保護(Hogo): Protection

有効(Yūkō): Validity

誤解(Gokai): Misunderstanding

過剰(Kajō): Excessive

権利主張(Kenri shuchō): Right Claim

エセ商標権事件簿(Ese shōhōken jikenbo): Fake Trademark Rights Casebook

特異(Tokui): Unique

事件(Jiken): Incident

ピコ太郎(Piko Tarō): Piko Taro

ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン事件(Penpaina’ppō Appō Pen jiken): Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Incident

アップル(Appuru): Apple

商標独占(Shōhō dokusen): Trademark Monopoly

果物(Kudamonō): Fruit

名前(Namae): Name

独占(Dokusen): Monopoly

商標いじめ(Shōhō ijime): Trademark Bullying


By Kobo


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