
Don Kihōte no “Sunīkā Gochi no Raku-sugi Bijinesu Shūzu” ga dōjō. Kawagutsu no mitame nagara sunīkā no hakigokochi o motsu kono shōhin wa, Koronaka de no bijinesu kajuaruka o haikei ni kaihatsu saremashita. Tsukiashi Yoshihiro-shi ga chūshin to nari, yaku 1-nen han no kaihatsu o hete, keiryō katsu kōkyūkan no aru dezain o jitsugen. Kakaku wa 4389-en (tax included) de, genzai wa 423 tenpo de toriatsukaware 4-bai ijō no uriage o kiroku shiteimasu.

Don Quijote has introduced “Sneaker Comfort Business Shoes,” which have the appearance of leather shoes but the comfort of sneakers. This product was developed in response to the increase in business casual attire during the COVID-19 pandemic. Led by Yoshihiro Tsukiashi, the product underwent about a year and a half of development, resulting in a lightweight design with a luxurious feel. Priced at 4,389 yen (including tax), it is currently available in 423 stores and has recorded over four times the usual sales.

ドン・キホーテ(Don Quijote): Don Quijote

スニーカー心地のラクすぎビジネスシューズ(Sunīkā gocchi no raku sugi bijinesu shūzu): Easy Business Shoes with Sneaker Comfort

革靴の見た目(Kawagutsu no mitame): Appearance of Leather Shoes

スニーカーの履き心地(Sunīkā no hakigocchi): Comfort of Sneakers

商品(Shōhin): Product

コロナ禍(Korona ka): COVID-19 Pandemic

ビジネスカジュアル化(Bijinesu kajuaru ka): Business Casualization

月足義広氏(Tsukiashi Yoshihiro-shi): Yoshihiro Tsukiashi

中心となり(Chūshin to nari): Took the lead

約1年半の開発(Yaku 1-nen han no kaihatsu): Approximately 1.5 years of development

軽量(Keiryō): Lightweight

高級感のあるデザイン(Gōkyūkan no aru dezain): Luxurious Design

価格(Kakaku): Price

4389円(4389-en): 4389 yen

税込(Zeikomi): Including tax

423店舗(423 tenpo): 423 stores

取り扱われ(Toriatsukaware): Handled

4倍以上の売上(4-bai ijō no uriage): Sales of over 4 times


By Kobo


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