
Akita-shi no suupaa de kuma ga shinnyuu shi, hokaku you no ori ga sakudou. Asa 5-ji ni kamera de kuma o kakunin shi, 8-ji sugi ni keisatsu mo moku shi kakunin shimashita. 30-nichi no asa, 47-sai no dansei juugyouin ga kuma ni osoware, kega o shimashita. Uriba wa fusedare, hokaku you no ori wa idou. Yoku asa, ken kara hokaku no oshirase ga ari, masui o kakeru sagyou ga yotei sareteimasu.

A bear invaded a supermarket in Akita City, triggering a capture trap. At 5 AM, the bear was spotted on camera, and the police visually confirmed it shortly after 8 AM. On the morning of the 30th, a 47-year-old male employee was attacked by the bear and was injured. The sales area was closed off, and the capture trap was moved. The next morning, there was an announcement from the prefecture regarding the capture, and a procedure to administer anesthesia was planned.

秋田市(Akita-shi): Akita City

スーパー(sūpā): supermarket

クマ(kuma): bear

侵入(shinnyū): intrusion

捕獲用のおり(hogaku-yō no ori): capture trap

作動(sakudō): operation

(asa): morning

カメラ(kamera): camera

確認(kakunin): confirmation

警察(keisatsu): police

目視確認(mokushi kakunin): visual confirmation

男性従業員(dansei jūgyōin): male employee

襲われ(osoware): attacked

けが(kega): injury

売り場(uriba): sales floor

封鎖(ōsa): seal

移動(idō): relocation

(ken): prefecture

捕獲のお知らせ(hogaku no oshirase): notice of capture

麻酔(masui): anesthesia

作業(sagyō): work

予定(yotei): schedule


By Kobo


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