
Ion Financhiaru Sābisu wa 11-gatsu 28-nichi, Ion Kādo no fusei riyō ni tsuite, meisaikakunin hōhō o annai shita. Ōku no yūzā kara kakunin no toiawase ga yoserare, kōshiki saito de riyōsaki o kensaku kanō to shita. Riyōsaki ga fumei na baai wa, sagi higai sōdan daiyaru e no renraku ga motomerarete iru. Kādo no fusei riyō wa 6-gatsu ni hakkaku shi, taiō no okure ga hihan sarete ita. 10-gatsu 8-nichi ni shazai shi, sen’yō daiyaru mo setchi shita.

On November 28, AEON Financial Services provided guidance on how to check transaction details regarding the fraudulent use of AEON cards. Many users have reached out to inquire about this, and the official website has been updated to allow users to search for transaction locations. If the transaction location remains unclear, they are advised to contact the fraud consultation hotline. The fraudulent use of cards was discovered in June, and there has been criticism over the delay in response. An apology was made on October 8, and a dedicated hotline has also been established.

イオンフィナンシャルサービス(Ion Financial Services): Ion Financial Services

11月28日(11gatsu 28 nichi): November 28

イオンカード(Ion Kaado): Ion Card

不正利用(Fusei Riyou): Fraudulent Use

明細確認方法(Meisai Kakunin Houhou): Statement Confirmation Method

多くのユーザー(Ou no Yuuzaa): Many Users

確認の問い合わせ(Kakunin no Toiawase): Inquiry for Confirmation

公式サイト(Koushiki Saito): Official Website

利用先(Riyou Saki): Usage Destination

不明な場合(Fumei na Baai): In Case of Unknown

詐欺被害相談ダイヤル(Sagi Higai Soudan Daiyaru): Fraud Victim Consultation Dial

連絡が求められている(Renraku ga Motomerarete iru): Contact is Being Requested

カードの不正利用(Kaado no Fusei Riyou): Fraudulent Use of Card

6月(6gatsu): June

発覚(Hakkaku): Discovery

対応の遅れ(Taiou no Okure): Delay in Response

批判されていた(Hihan sarete ita): Was Criticized

10月8日(10gatsu 8 nichi): October 8

謝罪(Shazai): Apology

専用ダイヤル(Senyou Daiyaru): Dedicated Dial

設置した(Secchi shita): Established


By Kobo


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