Gekai no Koyama Taiga-san wa, chōjikan rōdō ni nayami, zangyō no sukunai byōin ni utsutta ga, ishi busoku de yobidasareru mainichi. Ichiji wa biyō seikei geka e no tenshin o kangaeru. Kare wa 2010-nendai hajime ni igakubu ni nyūgaku shi, tōsho wa junchō datta ga, kenshū go no kibishii rōdō kankyō ni chokumen. Seishinteki・nikutaiteki hihei kara yarigai o ushinai, sentakushi o mosaku shite iru. Nihon no iryō genba no mondai wa shinkoku de, ishi no fūtan ga zōka shi, rōdō kankyō no kaizen ga motomerarete iru.
Surgeon Taiga Koyama struggled with long working hours and moved to a hospital with fewer overtime hours, but he is called in every day due to the shortage of doctors. At one point, he considered transitioning to cosmetic surgery. He entered medical school in the early 2010s, and initially everything was going well, but he faced a harsh work environment after his training. He lost his sense of fulfillment due to mental and physical exhaustion and is now exploring his options. The issues in Japan’s medical field are serious, with increasing burdens on doctors and a demand for improvements in working conditions.
外科医(Geikai): Surgeon
小山大河(Koyama Taiga): Taiga Koyama
長時間労働(Choujikan Roudou): Long working hours
悩み(Nayami): Trouble
残業(Zangyou): Overtime
少ない(Sukunai): Few
病院(Byouin): Hospital
医師不足(Ishi Busoku): Doctor shortage
呼び出される(Yobidasareru): Called in
毎日(Mainichi): Every day
一時(Ichiji): At one point
美容整形外科(Bijou Seikeigeka): Cosmetic Surgery
転身(Tenshin): Career change
考える(Kangaeru): Consider
医学部(Igakubu): Medical school
入学(NyuuGaku): Enrollment
当初(Tousho): Initially
順調(Junchou): Smooth
研修(Kenshuu): Training
厳しい(Kibishii): Harsh
労働環境(Roudou Kankyou): Working environment
精神的(Senshintai): Mental
肉体的(Nikutai teki): Physical
疲弊(Hihei): Exhaustion
失い(Ushinai): Losing
やりがい(Yarigai): Sense of fulfillment
選択肢(Sentakushi): Options
模索(Mosaku): Exploration
日本の医療現場(Nihon no Iryou Genba): Japanese healthcare field
問題(Mondai): Problem
深刻(Shinkoku): Serious
医師の負担(Ishi no Futan): Doctor’s burden
増加(zouka): Increase
労働環境の改善(Roudou Kankyou no Kaizen): Improvement of working conditions