新型Nintendo Switchの初期出荷台数について、700万台前後との噂が浮上しています。この情報はRedditのユーザーからで、信頼性は低くないとされています。アメリカの出荷台数はNintendo Switchの初期の2.5倍とされ、これを元に650万〜700万台と計算されました。なお、2024年の出荷台数は472万台予想。過去の購入者の1割が新型を買うと1460万台必要ですが、700万台は安心な数字と言えるでしょう。ただ、確実に欲しい人は予約が必須です。

Shingata Nintendo Switch no shoki shukka daisuu ni tsuite, 700 man dai zengo to no uwasa ga fujou shiteimasu. Kono jouhou wa Reddit no yuuzaa kara de, shinraisei wa hikukunai to sareteimasu. Amerika no shukka daisuu wa Nintendo Switch no shoki no 2.5 bai to sare, kore o moto ni 650 man – 700 man dai to keisan saremashita. Nao, 2024-nen no shukka daisuu wa 472 man dai yosou. Kako no kounyuu-sha no 1-wari ga shingata o kau to 1460 man dai hitsuyou desu ga, 700 man dai wa anshin na suuji to ieru deshou. Tada, kakushin ni hoshii hito wa yoyaku ga hissu desu.

There are rumors that the initial shipment number for the new Nintendo Switch is around 7 million units. This information comes from a Reddit user and is considered to be fairly reliable. The shipment number for the U.S. is said to be 2.5 times that of the original Nintendo Switch, which leads to an estimated figure of 6.5 to 7 million units. Additionally, the forecast for shipments in 2024 is 4.72 million units. If 10% of past buyers decide to purchase the new model, 14.6 million units would be needed, but 7 million units can be considered a safe figure. However, those who definitely want one should make a reservation.

新型(Nintendo Switch): New Nintendo Switch

初期出荷台数(Shoki shukka daisuu): Initial shipment quantity

700万台前後(700 man dai zen-go): Around 7 million units

(Uwa): Rumor

浮上(Ujō): Emerging

情報(Jōhō): Information

Redditのユーザー(Reddit no yūzā): Reddit user

信頼性(Shinraisei): Reliability

低くない(Hinakunai): Not low

アメリカの出荷台数(amerika no shukka daisuu): Shipment quantity in America

初期(Shoki): Initial

2.5倍(2.5-bai): 2.5 times

(Moto): Source

650万〜700万台(650 man ~ 700 man dai): 650,000 to 700,000 units

予想(Yosō): Forecast

過去(Kako): Past

購入者(Kōnyū-sha): Purchaser

1割(1-wari): 10 percent

新型(Shingata): New model

1460万台(Nisen yonhyaku man dai): 14.6 million units

必要(Hizai): Necessary

安心な数字(Anshin na sūji): Safe number

確実に(Kakujitsu ni): Definitely

欲しい(Hoshii): Want

予約(Yoyaku): Reservation

必須(Hissu): Essential


By Kobo


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