
Hyōgo-ken chiji sen de saisen shita Saito Motohiko-shi wa, tōsen yokujitsu 18 ni YouTube de taidan o jisshi shi, senkyo ni itaru keii ya kongo no seisaku o katatta. Kyū media no giwaku hōdō ni tsuite, Saito-shi wa tsurai keiken o furikaeri, “yo no naka no nagare ga tsukurarete ita” to shiten. Tatoeba, wain no onedari giwaku ni kanshite wa, kōhō na kaigi no ikkan de no hatsugen ga gokai o manaita to setsumei shita. Senkyo kikanchū ni wa, yūken-sha kara no hannō ni mo iwakan o oboeta to nobeta.

Hiroshima Governor Motohiko Saito, who was re-elected, held a discussion on YouTube the day after his election victory on the 18th, where he spoke about the circumstances leading up to the election and his future policies. Reflecting on the allegations reported by the old media, Saito described it as a painful experience and pointed out that “the flow of society was being created.” For example, regarding the allegations about requesting wine, he explained that his comments made during an official meeting led to misunderstandings. He also mentioned that he felt discomfort with the reactions from voters during the election period.

兵庫県(Hyogo Prefecture): Hyogo Prefecture

知事選(Chiji-sen): Gubernatorial election

再選(Saizen): Re-election

斎藤元彦氏(Saito Motohiko-shi): Mr. Motohiko Saito

当選翌日(Toosen yokujitsu): Day after the election

YouTube(YouTube): YouTube

対談(Taidan): Discussion

選挙(Senkyou): Elections

経緯(Keii): Background

今後の政策(Nongo no seisaku): Future policies

旧メディア(Kyuu media): Old media

疑惑報道(Giwaku houdou): Allegation reports

辛い経験(Kurushii keiken): Painful experiences

世の中の流れ(Yo no naka no nagare): Flow of society

ワインのおねだり疑惑(Wain no onedari giwaku): Wine asking allegation

公式な会議(Kouki na kaigi): Official meeting

一環(Ikkan): Part of

発言(Hatsugen): Statement

誤解(Go-kai): Misunderstanding

選挙期間中(Senkyou kikan-chuu): During the election period

有権者(Yuu kensha): Voters

反応(Hannou): Reactions

違和感(Igawakan): Discomfort


By Kobo


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