A Pacific orca pod has been observed hunting whale sharks, the largest fish in the world. New research details how orcas utilize strategic maneuvers to subdue these sharks, mainly targeting young ones. They flip the sharks upside down, causing temporary paralysis, and aim for the nutrient-rich liver. This is the first documented case of orcas preying on whale sharks. Further research is needed on this orca group’s potential new ecotype.


Pacific orca pod: 太平洋オルカの群れ

whale sharks: ジンベイザメ

largest fish: 世界で最も大きな魚

new research: 新しい研究

strategic maneuvers: 戦略的な動き

subdue: 征服する

young ones: 幼い個体

flip: ひっくり返す

temporary paralysis: 一時的な麻痺

nutrient-rich liver: 栄養豊富な肝臓

first documented case: 最初に記録された事例

preying on: 捕食する

further research: さらなる研究

orca group’s potential new ecotype: オルカ群の潜在的な新エコタイプ


By Kobo