Tropical Storm Sara is causing heavy rainfall and potential flash flooding in northeastern Honduras, with nearly 20 inches of rain recorded. The storm, which formed near the Honduras-Nicaragua border, may not reach the US as it could weaken over land. It is the 18th storm of the active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. Life-threatening conditions are expected in Honduras, with possible impacts in Belize and Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. Alerts are in place across the region.


Tropical Storm Sara: 熱帯暴風雨サラ

heavy rainfall: 大雨

potential flash flooding: 潜在的な洪水

northeastern Honduras: ホンジュラス北東部

20 inches of rain: 20インチの雨

Honduras-Nicaragua border: ホンジュラス・ニカラグア国境

US: アメリカ合衆国

weaken over land: 陸地で弱まる

18th storm: 18回目の嵐

active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season: 活動中の2024年大西洋ハリケーンシーズン

Life-threatening conditions: 命の危険を伴う状況

Belize: ベリーズ

Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula: メキシコのユカタン半島

Alerts: 警報

region: 地域

By Kobo