In the first “Saturday Night Live” episode post-election, cast members humorously addressed President-elect Trump, expressing a desire not to be seen as political enemies. Acknowledging the election’s shock, they shifted to support for Trump, with jokes about voting for him multiple times. The sketch featured a new version of Johnson’s Trump impersonation, presented as a muscular character. Dana Carvey made a cameo as Elon Musk, and Bill Burr hosted the episode, with Mk.gee as the musical guest.


Saturday Night Live: サタデー・ナイト・ライブ

President-elect Trump: 大統領選挙当選者トランプ

cast members: キャストメンバー

political enemies: 政治的敵

election’s shock: 選挙の衝撃

support for Trump: トランプへの支持

jokes: ジョーク

Johnson’s Trump impersonation: ジョンソンのトランプものまね

muscular character: 筋肉質のキャラクター

Dana Carvey: ダナ・カーヴィー

Elon Musk: イーロン・マスク

Bill Burr: ビル・バー

musical guest: ミュージカルゲスト

Mk.gee: Mk.gee

By Kobo