Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested that if Donald Trump is reelected, his administration would advocate for removing fluoride from U.S. water, citing health concerns like arthritis and IQ loss. Trump has hinted that Kennedy could oversee a health portfolio. Recent studies indicate possible links between fluoride and lower IQ in children, prompting calls for more research. The CDC and ADA endorse community water fluoridation for dental health, despite growing scrutiny and mixed research outcomes. Alternatives to managing fluoride exposure exist for concerned individuals.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: ロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニア

Donald Trump: ドナルド・トランプ

reelected: 再選

administration: 行政

advocate: 擁護する

removing: 除去する

fluoride: フッ素

U.S. water: アメリカの水

health concerns: 健康問題

arthritis: 関節炎

IQ loss: IQ低下

hinted: 示唆した

oversee: 監督する

health portfolio: 健康ポートフォリオ

recent studies: 最近の研究

possible links: 可能な関連

lower IQ: IQ低下

children: 子供

calls for more research: さらなる研究の要請



endorse: 支持する

community water fluoridation: 地域水道のフッ素添加

dental health: 歯の健康

growing scrutiny: 増大する精査

mixed research outcomes: 異なる研究結果

alternatives: 代替策

managing fluoride exposure: フッ素曝露の管理

concerned individuals: 関心のある個人

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