Traveling to Europe during the shoulder season from mid-October to mid-December offers numerous benefits. This period sees fewer crowds, comfortable temperatures, and significantly lower prices—about 40% cheaper on average compared to summer. Ideal for avoiding overtourism and wildfires, the shoulder season allows for unique experiences, such as Christmas markets. Popular destinations include Madrid and Monaco, while luxury accommodations become more accessible. Booking deals are expected on Travel Deal Tuesday after Thanksgiving, making this an optimal time for travelers.
Traveling: 旅行する
Europe: ヨーロッパ
shoulder season: 肩の季節
mid-October: 10月中旬
mid-December: 12月中旬
benefits: 利点
fewer crowds: 混雑が少ない
comfortable temperatures: 快適な気温
significantly lower prices: 大幅に安い価格
40% cheaper: 40%安い
average: 平均
summer: 夏
overtourism: 過剰観光
wildfires: 山火事
unique experiences: ユニークな体験
Christmas markets: クリスマスマーケット
popular destinations: 人気の目的地
Madrid: マドリード
Monaco: モナコ
luxury accommodations: 高級宿泊施設
more accessible: よりアクセスしやすい
Booking deals: 予約の特典
Travel Deal Tuesday: トラベルディール・チューズデー
Thanksgiving: 感謝祭
optimal time: 最適な時期
travelers: 旅行者