Michael Pesce, a conservative voter, prioritizes hunting over the election, believing many share this sentiment. A Coast Guard veteran, he plans to vote for Kamala Harris to prevent Trump’s return, seeing him as unstable and unprincipled. Similarly, Joan London, originally a Haley supporter, expresses a shift towards voting for Harris due to her opposition to Trump’s dangerous populism. Cynthia Sabatini, another Haley voter, remains undecided but will not support Trump. These voters reflect a complex dynamic in swing counties, pivotal for the upcoming election.
voter: 有権者
prioritizes: 優先する
hunting: 狩猟
election: 選挙
believing: 信じている
sentiment: 感情
veteran: 退役軍人
plans: 計画する
vote: 投票する
prevent: 阻止する
return: 再登場
unstable: 不安定な
unprincipled: 無原則な
supporter: 支持者
shift: シフトする
opposition: 反対
dangerous: 危険な
populism: ポピュリズム
undecided: 未定の
reflect: 反映する
complex: 複雑な
dynamic: ダイナミクス
swing counties: 接戦地域
pivotal: 重要な
upcoming: 今後の