The Washington Post will not endorse any candidates in future presidential elections, a decision made by owner Jeff Bezos, which has caused outrage among staff. The editorial board had prepared to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, but the draft was never presented. Staff members feel blindsided and discontent, with some considering a letter of protest. Critics, including former executive editor Marty Baron, describe the move as cowardice, fearing it sets a dangerous precedent for democracy amidst rising political tensions.
The: ザ
Washington Post: ワシントン・ポスト
will not endorse: 承認しない
any candidates: どの候補者も
in future: 将来の
presidential elections: 大統領選挙
a decision made by: オーナーによって決定された
which has caused: それが引き起こした
outrage: 憤慨
among staff: スタッフの間で
The editorial board: 編集委員会
had prepared to endorse: 承認の準備をしていた
Vice President: 副大統領
but: しかし
the draft: 草案
was never presented: 提出されなかった
Staff members: スタッフのメンバー
feel blindsided: 不意を突かれたように感じている
and discontent: そして不満を抱えている
with some: 一部は
considering: 考慮している
a letter of protest: 抗議の手紙
Critics: 批評家
including: 含む
former executive editor: 元編集長
describe: 説明する
the move: この動き
as cowardice: 臆病と
fearing: 恐れながら
it sets a dangerous precedent: 危険な前例を作る
for democracy: 民主主義のための
amidst rising political tensions: 高まる政治的緊張の中で