Tony, 74, and Francine Smarrelli, 75, celebrated their 50th anniversary in Venice and decided to move permanently to Italy, settling in Scalea, Calabria. Both of Italian descent, they aimed to reconnect with their roots. After purchasing a home and renovating it, they found Italy’s cost of living significantly lower, saving around $3,000 monthly. The couple enjoys exploring, dining out, and the serene lifestyle while considering citizenship and offering advice to others contemplating a similar move.
celebrated: 祝った
anniversary: 記念日
decided: 決めた
move: 移動する
permanently: 永久に
settling: 定住
descent: 血統
aimed: 目的とした
reconnect: 再結びつける
roots: ルーツ
purchasing: 購入する
home: 家
renovating: 改装する
cost of living: 生活費
significantly: かなり
saving: 節約する
monthly: 毎月
couple: 夫婦
enjoys: 楽しむ
exploring: 探索する
dining out: 外食
serene: 穏やかな
lifestyle: ライフスタイル
considering: 考慮している
citizenship: 市民権
offering: 提供する
advice: アドバイス
contemplating: 熟考している
similar: 同様の
move: 移動