The Texas Supreme Court issued a stay on the execution of Robert Roberson, sentenced for the murder of his daughter, amid ongoing legal battles over his conviction, which relies on a now-discredited diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome. Lawmakers have requested Roberson’s testimony as they review his case. Despite his conviction being contested, the legal process continues, leaving his fate uncertain. Proponents argue that new evidence may support his innocence.


Texas Supreme Court: テキサス州最高裁判所

stay: 審理停止

execution: 処刑

murder: 殺人


legal battles: 法的闘争

conviction: 有罪判決

discredited: 信用失墜

diagnosis: 診断

shaken baby syndrome: 乳児揺さぶり症候群

lawmakers: 政治家

testimony: 証言

case: ケース

conviction contested: 有罪判決が争われる

legal process: 法的手続き

fate: 運命

proponents: 支持者

new evidence: 新しい証拠

innocence: 無罪

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