Scientists have discovered that bottlenose dolphins may be inhaling microplastics, a finding published in PLOS One. Samples taken from dolphins in Louisiana and Florida revealed microplastic particles in their breath, suggesting that these contaminants are widespread, even in rural regions. This study is the first to show inhalation as a possible exposure route, raising concerns about lung health and underestimating total microplastic exposure in marine mammals. Further research is needed to understand the potential health risks.


Scientists: 科学者たち

discovered: 発見した

bottlenose dolphins: バンドウイルカ

inhaling: 吸い込む

microplastics: マイクロプラスチック

finding: 発見

published: 発表された

samples: サンプル

revealed: 明らかにした

particles: 粒子

breath: ため息

suggesting: 示唆する

contaminants: 汚染物質

widespread: 広範囲にわたる

rural regions: 農村地域

study: 研究

first: 最初

show: 示す

inhalation: 吸入

possible: 可能な

exposure route: 接触経路

raising concerns: 懸念を引き起こす

lung health: 肺の健康

underestimating: 過小評価する

total microplastic exposure: 総マイクロプラスチック暴露

marine mammals: 海洋哺乳類

further research: さらなる研究

needed: 必要とされる

understand: 理解する

potential health risks: 潜在的な健康リスク

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