A recent text message warning young voters in Wisconsin about potential fines and prison time for voting has raised concerns of voter intimidation, particularly among college students. Voter protection groups, alarmed by the message’s phrasing, argue it may dissuade eligible voters from participating. The League of Women Voters and Free Speech for People seek an investigation into the source of the text. Wisconsin students can vote where they reside if they’ve lived there for 28 days, but uncertainties about eligibility may make them more vulnerable to such tactics.
recent: 最近
text message: テキストメッセージ
warning: 警告
young voters: 若い有権者
Wisconsin: ウィスコンシン
potential fines: 潜在的な罰金
prison time: 懲役
voter intimidation: 有権者 intimidation
particularly: 特に
college students: 大学生
voter protection groups: 有権者保護団体
alarmed: 警戒している
message’s phrasing: メッセージの表現
argue: 主張する
dissuade: 思いとどまらせる
eligible voters: 資格のある有権者
participating: 参加する
investigation: 調査
source: 出所
can vote: 投票できる
where they reside: 住んでいる場所
if they’ve lived there: もしそこに住んでいたら
days: 日
uncertainties: 不確実性
about eligibility: 資格について
may make them: 彼らを作るかもしれない
more vulnerable: より脆弱な
tactics: 戦術