Grief is complex, and knowing what to say can be challenging. After losing her husband, the author highlights the difficulty in answering broad questions like “How are you?” Instead, specific questions and actions, like providing meals without asking, are more helpful. Relating personal loss fosters connection, while radical acceptance helps navigate grief. Acknowledging discomfort and timing in communication is vital for supporting the grieving. It’s okay to admit uncertainty in words.
Grief: 悲しみ
complex: 複雑
knowing: 知ること
what to say: 何を言うか
challenging: 難しい
losing: 失う
difficulty: 難しさ
answering: 答えること
broad questions: 幅広い質問
specific questions: 特定の質問
actions: 行動
providing meals: 食事を提供すること
without asking: 尋ねずに
more helpful: より助けになる
relating personal loss: 個人的な喪失を関連付ける
fosters connection: つながりを育む
radical acceptance: 根本的な受容
helps navigate grief: 悲しみを乗り越えるのに役立つ
acknowledging discomfort: 不快感を認めること
timing: タイミング
communication: コミュニケーション
vital: 重要
supporting: 支えること
the grieving: 悲しんでいる人
okay: OK
admit uncertainty: 不確実性を認める
in words: 言葉で