Barack Obama is actively campaigning for Kamala Harris and other Democrats ahead of the November elections, fearing the implications of a Trump victory. He’s focused on engaging young Black men to support Harris and has ramped up his involvement with rallies, videos, and meetings. His hope is to help secure votes, feeling a responsibility to guide the next generation of leaders while grappling with the realities of Trump’s political influence.


actively: 積極的に

campaigning: 扱っている

Democrats: 民主党員

November elections: 11月の選挙

fearing: 恐れている

implications: 含意

victory: 勝利

focused: 焦点を当てている

engaging: 関与させる

young Black men: 若い黒人男性

support: 支援する

rallies: 集会

videos: ビデオ

meetings: 会議

hope: 希望

secure votes: 投票を確保する

responsibility: 責任

guide: 導く

next generation: 次世代

leaders: リーダー

grappling: 格闘する

realities: 現実

political influence: 政治的影響

By Kobo