Italy and Switzerland will redraw part of their border due to melting glaciers caused by climate change. The Swiss government confirmed the changes near the Matterhorn, with Italy’s approval pending. Europe’s glaciers are receding rapidly, leading to various impacts, including increased instability and loss of freshwater. This reflects broader changes in a warming world.
Italy: イタリア
Switzerland: スイス
border: 国境
melting: 溶ける
glaciers: 氷河
climate change: 気候変動
government: 政府
confirmed: 確認した
changes: 変更
approval: 承認
pending: 保留
Europe: ヨーロッパ
receding: 後退する
rapidly: 急速に
leading to: につながる
various: 様々な
impacts: 影響
including: 含む
increased: 増加した
instability: 不安定さ
loss of freshwater: 淡水の喪失
reflects: 反映する
broader: より広範な
warming: 温暖化
world: 世界