In a recent “SNL” episode, a “Family Feud” sketch humorously pitted Democrats against Republicans before the presidential election. Cast members included Maya Rudolph and Jim Gaffigan, with Kenan Thompson as host. The sketch featured comedic exchanges about glove compartment contents, showcasing humor amid political themes. Ariana Grande hosted, with Stevie Nicks as the musical guest.


recent: 最近

episode: エピソード

sketch: スケッチ

humorously: ユーモラスに

pitted: 対決させた

against: 対に

presidential election: 大統領選挙

cast members: キャストメンバー

host: ホスト

featured: 特徴づけられた

comedic exchanges: コミカルなやり取り

about: について

glove compartment: グローブコンパートメント

contents: 内容

showcasing: 披露する

amid: の中で

political themes: 政治的テーマ

musical guest: ミュージカルゲスト

By Kobo