Hurricane Helene devastated Asheville, NC, revealing that even touted climate havens are not immune to extreme weather. The storm caused over 160 deaths and significant destruction, with residents describing the scene as a “war zone.” Despite its historical vulnerability to heavy rain, many believed Asheville was safe from such disasters. Climate experts warn that risks are increasing, and recovery will be challenging amidst a changing climate.


Hurricane: ハリケーン

devastated: 壊滅させた

revealing: 明らかにする

touted: 評判の

climate havens: 気候避難地

immune: 免疫のある

extreme weather: 極端な天候


deaths: 死亡

significant: 重大な

destruction: 破壊

residents: 住民

describing: 説明する

scene: シーン

war zone: 戦争地帯

historical: 歴史的

vulnerability: 脆弱性

heavy rain: 大雨

believed: 信じていた

safe: 安全な

disasters: 災害

experts: 専門家

warn: 警告する

risks: リスク

increasing: 増加している

recovery: 回復

challenging: 課題の多い

amidst: の中で

changing climate: 変化する気候

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