El Niño is weakening, but this doesn’t guarantee relief from summer heat due to human-driven climate change. Forecasters predict ocean temperatures will stabilize by June, transitioning to a potential La Niña phase. However, the impact of these patterns on U.S. weather is less pronounced in summer compared to winter, leading to uncertainty about the upcoming season’s conditions.


El Niño: エルニーニョ

weakening: 弱まっている

guarantee: 保証する

relief: 緩和



human-driven: 人間主導の

climate change: 気候変動

forecasters: 予報士

predict: 予測する

ocean temperatures: 海水温

stabilize: 安定する

transitioning: 移行する

potential: 潜在的な

La Niña: ラニーニャ

phase: フェーズ

impact: 影響

patterns: パターン

weather: 天気

less pronounced: あまり顕著でない

leading to: につながる

uncertainty: 不確実性

upcoming: 来る

season: 季節

conditions: 状況


By Kobo