A major explosion at a Givaudan food dye factory in Louisville, Kentucky, killed two workers and injured twelve on Tuesday. The blast was heard miles away and damaged nearby properties. Authorities are investigating its cause, with no signs of foul play reported. The incident resembles a 2003 explosion at the same site, reviving community memories. Residents near the factory were temporarily evacuated or ordered to shelter in place but were later cleared as air quality was deemed safe. Givaudan is cooperating with investigations.
A major explosion: 大規模な爆発
Givaudan: ギバウダン
food dye factory: 食品染料工場
Louisville: ルイビル
Kentucky: ケンタッキー
killed: 死亡させた
two workers: 二人の作業員
injured: 負傷した
twelve: 十二
Tuesday: 火曜日
blast: 爆風
heard: 聞こえた
miles away: 数マイル離れた
damaged: 損傷を与えた
nearby properties: 近隣の財産
authorities: 当局
investigating: 調査中
cause: 原因
no signs of foul play: 不正行為の兆候なし
reported: 報告された
incident: 事故
resembles: 似ている
2003 explosion: 2003年の爆発
same site: 同じ場所
reviving: 呼び起こす
community memories: 地域の記憶
residents: 住民
temporarily evacuated: 一時的に避難させられた
ordered to shelter in place: 避難するよう命じられた
later cleared: 後に解除された
air quality: 空気の質
deemed safe: 安全と見なされた
cooperating: 協力している
investigations: 調査