The Federal Reserve cut its key lending rate again, with expectations for one more cut by year-end, lowering rates by a total of 1%. However, interest rates remain high. Credit card rates have only dropped slightly, while mortgage rates have increased. High-yield savings accounts still offer competitive returns. Experts recommend maintaining a diversified portfolio and caution against keeping excessive cash to avoid the “cash trap.”
The Federal Reserve: 連邦準備制度
cut: 引き下げる
key lending rate: 主要貸出金利
again: 再び
expectations: 期待
one more cut: もう一度の引き下げ
by year-end: 年末までに
lowering rates: 金利を下げる
a total of: 合計で
1%: 1%
interest rates: 金利
remain high: 高いままである
Credit card rates: クレジットカード金利
have only dropped slightly: わずかに下がった
mortgage rates: 住宅ローン金利
have increased: 増加した
High-yield savings accounts: 高利回り貯蓄口座
offer competitive returns: 競争力のあるリターンを提供する
Experts: 専門家
recommend: 推奨する
maintaining: 維持する
a diversified portfolio: 分散ポートフォリオ
caution against: 警告する
keeping excessive cash: 過剰な現金を保持すること
to avoid: 避けるために
“cash trap”: “現金トラップ”