US consumers and businesses are delaying purchases due to election uncertainty, influenced by differing economic agendas from candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. While Harris favors measured policies, Trump’s approach could raise costs and inflation. The Federal Reserve’s interest rate announcement might provide clarity, with expectations for a cut to stimulate the economy. This could encourage consumer spending and business investments post-election, currently dampened by uncertainty.


US consumers: アメリカの消費者

businesses: 企業

delaying purchases: 購入を遅らせている

election uncertainty: 選挙の不確実性

influenced: 影響を受けた

differing economic agendas: 異なる経済政策

Kamala Harris: カマラ・ハリス

Donald Trump: ドナルド・トランプ

measured policies: 積極的な政策

Trump’s approach: トランプのアプローチ

raise costs: コストを上昇させる

inflation: インフレーション

Federal Reserve’s interest rate announcement: 連邦準備制度の金利発表

provide clarity: 明確さを提供する

expectations for a cut: 利下げの期待

stimulate the economy: 経済を刺激する

encourage consumer spending: 消費者支出を促す

business investments: 企業投資

post-election: 選挙後

currently dampened by uncertainty: 現在は不確実性によって抑えられている

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