The Mary Rose, a flagship of King Henry VIII, sank in 1545, providing insights into Tudor life. Underwater excavations revealed preserved crew remains and artifacts, which are now being analyzed to understand their lifestyle and health. In related discoveries, a rare 450-million-year-old fossil and new findings about ancient tombstones have emerged, alongside the use of giant pouched rats to detect wildlife trafficking. Other highlights include scientific discoveries by students and NASA’s restoration of communication with the Voyager 1 probe.


The Mary Rose: メアリー・ローズ

King Henry VIII: ヘンリー8世

sank: 沈んだ

1545: 1545年

Tudor life: チューダー時代の生活

Underwater excavations: 水中発掘

preserved crew remains: 保存された乗組員の遺骸

artifacts: 遺物

analyzed: 分析されている

lifestyle: ライフスタイル

health: 健康

rare: 珍しい

450-million-year-old fossil: 4億5000万年前の化石

ancient tombstones: 古代の墓石

giant pouched rats: 巨大なポーチネズミ

detect wildlife trafficking: 野生動物の密売を検出する

scientific discoveries: 科学的発見

students: 学生


restoration of communication: 通信の復元

Voyager 1 probe: ボイジャー1号プローブ

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