New York City’s City Council has legalized jaywalking, allowing pedestrians to cross streets without adhering to traffic signals, a practice previously banned since 1958. While proponents see this as a step towards racial justice, given the disproportionate targeting of people of color for citations, officials warn that jaywalking remains risky. With the law effective in February, travelers are urged to stay vigilant and prioritize safety despite the change.
New York City: ニューヨーク市
City Council: シティ・カウンシル
jaywalking: ジェイウォーキング
pedestrians: 歩行者
streets: 通り
traffic signals: 交通信号
1958: 1958年
proponents: 支持者
racial justice: 人種的正義
disproportionate targeting: 不均衡な標的
people of color: 有色人種
citations: 罰則
officials: 当局
risky: 危険
law: 法律
February: 2月
travelers: 旅行者
vigilant: 警戒
safety: 安全
change: 変化