About 20% of U.S. households earning over $150,000 live paycheck to paycheck, dedicating over 95% of income to necessities. This trend stems from larger mortgages, high living costs, and financial pressures, such as childcare. Inflation continues to affect consumers across income levels, with prices up 20% since pre-pandemic, while wage growth has slowed.
About: 約
20%: 20%
of: の
U.S. households: アメリカの世帯
earning: 収入を得る
over: 超える
$150,000: 150,000ドル
live: 生きる
paycheck to paycheck: 手取りがなくなるまで
dedicating: 専念する
more than: 以上
95%: 95%
of income: 収入の
to necessities: 必需品に
This trend: この傾向
stems from: に起因する
larger mortgages: 大きな住宅ローン
high living costs: 高い生活費
financial pressures: 経済的な圧力
such as: など
childcare: 子育て
Inflation: インフレ
continues to affect: 引き続き影響を与える
consumers: 消費者
across income levels: 所得層全体で
with prices: 価格が
up: 上昇
20%: 20%
since: 以来
pre-pandemic: パンデミック前
while: 一方で
wage growth: 賃金の成長
has slowed: 減速している