Polls opened in Japan for a general election amid significant scandal for Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba’s party. Following a funding scandal and public dissatisfaction, Ishiba seeks a mandate for the ruling LDP. With pledges to aid low-income families, hire more workers, and strengthen US relations, he aims to navigate growing security issues and economic challenges. Voters will decide on 465 House of Representatives seats, with the LDP ready to maintain its coalition.
Polls: 投票所
Japan: 日本
general election: 総選挙
significant scandal: 重大なスキャンダル
Prime Minister: 首相
Shigeru Ishiba: 石破茂
party: 政党
funding scandal: 資金スキャンダル
public dissatisfaction: 公共の不満
mandate: 権限
ruling: 与党
LDP: 自民党
pledges: 公約
aid: 支援
low-income families: 低所得家庭
hire: 雇う
more workers: より多くの労働者
strengthen: 強化する
US relations: 米国との関係
navigate: 対処する
growing security issues: 増大する安全保障の問題
economic challenges: 経済的課題
Voters: 有権者
decide: 決定する
House of Representatives: 下院
seats: 議席
ready: 準備ができている
maintain: 維持する
coalition: 連立